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Engajamento em Direitos Humanos - Brasil
Engagement or initiative
Engagement or initiative
  • Social

Engajamento em Direitos Humanos - Brasil

O Projeto de Engajamento em Direitos Humanos visa criar um ambiente propício para a participação do investidor nacional numa iniciativa de interação com empresas investidas que ajude a endereçar as questões prementes referentes…

Seeking support Deadline:
30% Club Germany Investor Group
Engagement or initiative
Engagement or initiative
  • Social
  • Governance

30% Club Germany Investor Group

Part of our stewardship responsibility is to assess the leadership of our investee companies. We believe executive boards that genuinely embrace cognitive diversity, as manifested through appropriate gender representation and broader skills and…

Investor Coalition on Food Policy
Engagement or initiative
Engagement or initiative
  • Environment
  • Social

Investor Coalition on Food Policy

The Investor Coalition on Food Policy exists to harness the power of the investment community to engage with Government on food-related issues (starting with a focus on the UK). The scope of the coalition is regulation which is required to…

Ongoing Deadline:
Engagement on shareholder risks and opportunities related to PR and advertising services for fossil fuel clients
Engagement or initiative
Engagement or initiative
  • Environment

Engagement on shareholder risks and opportunities related to PR and advertising services for fossil fuel clients

PR and advertising firms working on behalf of fossil fuel companies are a key organisational actor in climate politics. As the fossil free movement grows, pressure on those providing services to coal, oil and gas companies increases, …

Ongoing Deadline: