Google Inc. (Alphabet Inc.) | Human Rights Assessment of Data Center Siting at Google Inc. (Alphabet Inc.)

17.31% votes in favour
AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Human rights
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
SumofUs has filed the following resolution. This will be updated in the lead filer field as soon as possible.

Shareholders request the Board of Directors commission a report assessing the siting of Google Cloud Data Centers in countries of significant human rights concern, and the Company’s strategies for mitigating the related impacts.

The report, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential and proprietary information, should be published on the Company’s website within six months of the 2022 shareholders meeting.
Supporting statement
As shareholders we are concerned by Alphabet’s announced plans1 to expand data center operations in locations reported by the US State Department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices to present significant human rights violations.

These include Jakarta, Indonesia where opponents of the government face up to 18 months in prison for insulting the president or government officials online; Doha, Qatar where security forces interrogate social media users for tweets critical of government officials; and Delhi, India where the government frequently orders internet shutdowns and where Google’s Transparency report showed a 69% increase in government requests for user data in 2019.

Of particular concern is the plan to locate a Google Cloud Data Center in Saudi Arabia. The US State Department Country Report2 details the highly restrictive Saudi control of all internet activities and notes pervasive government surveillance, arrest, and prosecution of online activity. Human rights activists have reliably reported3 that “Saudi authorities went so far as to recruit internal Twitter employees in the US to extract personal information and spy on private communications of exiled Saudi activists.” Given this history and particularly the use of spyware to violate privacy rights of dissidents and the use of actual spies inside a similar platform (Twitter) to track US based exiled Saudi activists, the choice to locate here is particularly troubling4.

When asked by human rights activists to address these concerns, our company stated that “an independent human rights assessment was conducted for the Google Cloud Region in Saudi Arabia, and Google took steps to address matters identified as part of that review.5” While the company has declared that “Transparency is core to our commitment to respect human rights,” neither the Company’s human rights assessment for Saudi Arabia nor the resulting actions have been made public.

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