The Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated | Partial Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of Company (5)_Cease reprocessing of plutonium at The Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated

14.60% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Local communities and/or indigenous rights
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Supporting statement
The construction of the reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village, Aomori Prefecture, started in 1993, and is scheduled to be completed in the first half of this fiscal year after postponing 25 times. However, the fast breeder reactor Monju that was planned to use plutonium was decommissioned, and progress in the plutonium-thermal power generation plan to consume plutonium in an ordinary nuclear power plant is also stagnant. As Taro Kono, a candidate for the presidential election of the Liberal Democratic - 43 - Party of Japan, pointed out, the nuclear fuel cycle plan has failed, and the Company should suspend the plan. Nine electric power companies and JAPC own 41.5 tons of plutonium. Operating the reprocessing plant and moreover increasing the amount of surplus plutonium is unacceptable. At the end of November last year, an F16 fighter aircraft of the US military forces Misawa Air Base dropped its fuel tank onto the immediate vicinity of residential houses and left local residents fearing for their safety. In December, a damage estimation of a magnitude-9 mega earthquake along the Japan Trench or the Chishima Trench was announced. Rokkasho Village is expected to face an intensity (shindo) of upper 6, but the design basis earthquake ground motion for the reprocessing plant is 700 gal, which is far smaller than the expected earthquake ground motion (2000 gal or more) set by major housing companies. We propose prohibiting reprocessing.

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