The Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated | Partial Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of Company (5)_Appointment External Director at The Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated

16.60% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Anti-corruption
  • Independent board
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Supporting statement
In order to enforce major transformation of its management policy toward the reform of business model including withdrawal from nuclear power generation, ensuring safety, separation of power generation and power transmission, and large-scale introduction of renewable energy, it is necessary for the Company to drastically reduce costs and improve the flexibility of management. In addition, nuclear power generation is fraught with a major management risk as an unstable power source with operations depending on judicial decisions under an undecided national responsibility system for nuclear power generation, producing a situation which requires a higher level of management decisions. Therefore, the Company should actively appoint external human resources who are well versed in management challenges confronting the Company as Directors. Moreover, in the incident of receiving of cash and gifts by executives, etc. from a former Deputy Mayor of the town of Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, corporate governance became dysfunctional, such as the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board not fully functioning. Therefore, in order to improve the Board of Directors’ management supervisory function and increase the objectivity and transparency of management, a majority of the Directors should be Outside Directors and such content should be permanently stated in the Articles of Incorporation.

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