The Toronto-Dominion Bank | Increase energy and environmental transition efforts at The Toronto-Dominion Bank

AGM date
Previous AGM date
Resolution details
Resolution ask
Strengthen board oversight of issue
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Fossil fuel financing
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
It is proposed that the bank adhere to the UNEP-FI Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)
Supporting statement
A recent report by the Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine (IREC) and OXFAM Québec(31) shows that the carbon weight of the country’s eight largest banks is 1.9 billion tons, or 2.6 times the GHG emissions in the country, and that, if they joined together to form a new state, it would be the fifth emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. While acknowledging that the Bank is making efforts to support and accelerate the green transition, it could do much better and be a model for other businesses. As mentioned in the IREC report, we would like to draw attention to two observations from the report: «First, not only have none of Canada’s major DTIs committed to withdrawing from the fossil fuel sector in the short or medium term, but they all persist in presenting themselves as participants in the energy transition. and sustainable financing aimed at either decarbonizing the processes of extraction, transformation and/or use of fossil fuels or supporting diversification of the “green” asset portfolios of companies in the sector, particularly in the areas of green technologies and renewable energy. Second, even in terms of their financial commitments to the energy and environmental transition, Canadian DTIs have set their sights relatively low: For example, the total C$850 billion pledged by BMO, RBC, Scotiabank, CIBC and TD for 2020-2030, while not inconsiderable, will ultimately represent only two-thirds of their previously committed fossil fuel assets between 2016 and 2020 alone, which were in excess of C$1.3 trillion. In addition, many of the mutual funds and exchange-traded funds of the eight Canadian DTIs, including ESG or “green” funds, are still not aligned with the Paris Agreement targets, exceeding the maximum exposure to carbon sectors that would limit global warming to less than two degrees.” Specifically targeted by the report in question (which also makes recommendations … ), the bank has considerable financial strength and joining this international initiative — an initiative already joined by other major banks and other major financial institutions in the country — would, among other necessary measures, concretely support the achievement of the carbon neutrality goal set by the Paris Agreement.

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