UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC. | Reduce voting power of class A stock from 10 votes per share to one vote per share at UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC.

32.97% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Shareholder rights
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
Shareholders request that our Board of Directors take steps to ensure that all of our company’s outstanding stock has an equal one-vote per share in each shareholder voting situation. This would encompass all practicable steps including encouragement and negotiation with current and future shareholders, who have more than one-vote per share, to request that they relinquish, for the common good of all shareholders, any preexisting rights, if necessary.
Supporting statement
John Chevedden, 2215 Nelson Avenue, No. 205, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, has advised us that he intends to submit the proposal set forth below for consideration at the Annual Meeting.
This proposal is not intended to unnecessarily limit our Board’s judgment in crafting the requested change in accordance with applicable laws and existing contracts. This proposal is important because certain shares have super-sized voting power with 10-votes per share compared to only one-vote per share for other shareholders. Corporate governance advocates have suggested a 7-year transition to equal voting rights for each share. In spite of lopsided shares having 10-times more voting power, support for this proposal topic has steadily grown from 21% in 2013 to 32% in 2022. With stock having 10-times more voting power UPS takes our shareholder money but does not give us in return an equal voice in our company’s management.
Without a voice, shareholders cannot hold management accountable. It is important to continue to vote for this proposal to block UPS management from finding creative ways to further reduce their money at risk at UPS while maintaining the same control. Plus, with the UPS shareholder-unfriendly brand of corporate governance, we had no right to call a special meeting or act by written consent. And we were restricted by provisions mandating an undemocratic 80%-vote in order to make a certain improvements to our corporate governance. This undemocratic 80% vote requirement translates into a well over a 100% vote requirement from the shares that typical vote at the annual meeting.

How other organisations have declared their voting intentions

Organisation nameDeclared voting intentionsRationale
Anima SgrForThis proposal would provide all shareholders with equal voting rights on all matters.
Rothschild & co Asset ManagementFor

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Any voting recommendations set forth in the descriptions of the resolutions and management proposals included in this database are made by the sponsors of those resolutions and proposals, and do not represent the views of the PRI.

Information on the shareholder resolutions, management proposals and votes in this database have been obtained from sources that are believed to be reliable, but the PRI does not represent that it is accurate, complete, or up-to-date, including information relating to resolutions and management proposals, other signatories’ vote pre-declarations (including voting rationales), or the current status of a resolution or proposal. You should consult companies’ proxy statements for complete information on all matters to be voted on at a meeting.