CONOCOPHILLIPS | Independent board chairman at CONOCOPHILLIPS

25.57% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • CEO / chair duality
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
Shareholders request that the Board of Directors adopt an enduring policy, and amend the governing documents as necessary in order that 2 separate people hold the office of the Chairman and the office of the CEO.
Supporting statement
Whenever possible, the Chairman of the Board shall be an Independent Director.
The Board has the discretion to select a Temporary Chairman of the Board who is not an Independent Director to serve while the Board is seeking an Independent Chairman of the Board on an expedited basis.
It is a best practice to adopt this policy soon. However this policy could be phased in when there is a contract renewal for our current CEO or for the next CEO transition.
A Lead Director is no substitute for an independent Board Chairman. One of the duties of the ConocoPhillips Lead Director, Mr. Robert Niblock, is evaluating the performance of the CEO in consultation with the Chair of the Compensation Committee. Unfortunately CEO pay was rejected by almost 40% of shares in 2022 when a 5% rejection is often the norm. Perhaps this explains why Mr. Niblock received the most against votes of any ConocoPhillips director in 2022.
According to the 2022 ConocoPhillips annual meeting proxy the COP Lead Director has limited duties and lacks in having exclusive powers, for example:
● Serves as liaison between the Chairman and the non-employee directors.
(A task that others can also do.)

● In consultation with the Chairman, approves meeting agendas for the Board.
(A task that can potentially be accomplished in the hour before a meeting.)

● Approves meeting schedules to assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all agenda items.
(A task focused on timing.)

● Has authority to call meetings of the non-employee directors.
(A task that other directors can also do.)

● Approves the retention of consultants that report directly to the Board.
(A task that other directors can also do.)
Plus management fails to give shareholders enough information on this topic to make a more informed decision. There is no management comparison of the exclusive powers of the Office of the Chairman and the de minimis exclusive powers of the Lead Director.

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