The Toronto-Dominion Bank | Commitment to oil and gas sector at The Toronto-Dominion Bank

1.03% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Other ask
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Fossil fuel financing
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: That Toronto-Dominion Bank (“TD”) make clear its commitment to continue to invest in and
finance the Canadian oil and gas sector. And further that TD conduct a review of any and all of its policies to
ensure that there are none that have the effect of encouraging divestment from the sector.
Supporting statement
Supporting statement Canadians are facing a cost-of-living crisis with escalating inflation threatening serious recession and the prospect of durable stagflation. A major cause of this is rising energy costs. Energy costs are being driven up by a public policy framework and a public conversation that are both directed against investment in the oil and gas sector. The result is chronic underinvestment in that sector. It’s time for TD to explicitly state its commitment to Canada’s oil and gas sector. In addition, TD should end or temporarily suspend support for policies like net zero targets. The embrace of such policies — which have the effect of suggesting that oil and gas extraction, development, and use are not of essential value — sends a negative signal about investment in the sector. Instead, TD should focus on investment in, lending to, and financing of the oil and gas industry to create more supply and reduce energy costs for Canadians and the world. Support for the sector is important because:
• its wellbeing is essential to the wellbeing of Canadians, ensuring energy affordability and with it the affordability of everything else necessary to a reasonable standard of living for all in Canada; • its environmental performance is world-leading and steadily improving;
• its expansion is increasingly important to addressing global concerns such as energy security and energy poverty; and
• the lack of investment in Canada means more investment in oil and gas sector development in other parts of the world with poorer environmental performance, poorer corporate governance, and serious human rights infringements. The oil and gas sector is the biggest exporting industry in Canada, is in the top three industries for contribution to Canada’s GDP, provides 500,000 jobs across the country and contributes billions every year to government’s coffers in taxes and royalties — paying for countless public services for Canadians. Additionally, Canadian oil and gas producers are making major environmental gains: their Green House Gas emissions (GHG) were reduced by 22 per cent between 2011 and 2019, then another 12 per cent from 2019 to 2020(12). They invested $3.1 billion in better environmental performance in 2019 alone, two-thirds of all environmental protection spending in the country that year(13). Adopting a pro-investment stance in Canada’s oil and gas sector is good for the economy, the environment, innovation, shareholders, and everyday Canadians.

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