Equinor ASA | Ban use of fibreglass rotor blades at Equinor ASA

0.22% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
EQNR (previously Statoil)
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Other ask
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Waste and pollution
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
Shareholder Roald Skjoldheim has proposed the following resolution:
«1. Equinor bans the use of fiberglass rotor blades in all new wind farms. And do not replace old fiberglass rotor blades with new ones.
2. Equinor must make a greater commitment to buying into existing hydropower projects, aiming to upgrade the plants nationwide.
3. Equinor should conduct research on other energy sources, such as thorium.»
Supporting statement
The shareholder’s supporting statement: Concern for the future of the wind power industry The demand for energy is ever increasing. We recently passed 8 billion people on this planet. And most of us need electricity or energy. We use electrical energy to heat our homes, we use electrical energy when we cook our food, the fridge needs electricity to keep food cool, etc. Basically, wind power is a good and smart solution. Until the wind farm reaches its design life, and things need to be replaced. And recycled. This is where things start to get tricky. All metal is treated separately, the oil is treated separately, and the rotor blades... well, the rotor blades... they are garbage. There is currently no effective way to get rid of them. There have been some attempts at doing away with them. In some places, the rotor blades are used for other things. They are often reused in play parks for children, they can be shaped as parking sheds for bicycles, they can end up as ”art”. In some places, the rotor blades are ground up to dust. And the dust has been mixed with concrete. However, this has more or less stopped. Either because the quality of the concrete turned out to be so poor that the concrete could not be used, or it was stopped because the amount of dust was much greater than what could be mixed into the concrete. In any case, they have now come up with another ”ingenious” solution. Simply burying the waste. Let future generations solve our problems. Meanwhile, Mother Nature decomposes the rotor blades. And it is not difficult to imagine particles from the rotor blades finding their way into water and soil. The medical profession in the future is going to be extremely busy because of the mistakes we make today

How other organisations have declared their voting intentions

Organisation nameDeclared voting intentionsRationale
CoreCommodity Management, LLCAgainst

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