Targa Resources Corp | Limit supply chain flaring at Targa Resources Corp

41.08% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Methane
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
Resolved, shareholders request that Targa issue a report assessing policy options to go beyond its existing efforts to curtail its impact on climate change from its own venting and flaring and from upstream venting and flaring that are attributable to or influenced by Targa’s midstream activities. The report should be made public, omit proprietary information, and be prepared expeditiously at reasonable cost
Whereas clause
"Whereas, the shale boom and lax regulation have made the U.S. the world’s fourth highest flaring nation.1 Flaring contributes 4 to 10% of total U.S. oil and gas methane emissions. Research shows methane emissions from flaring to be five times higher than currently estimated.2

60% of U.S. oil and gas flaring methane emissions are from upstream production,3 due in part to ongoing or episodic lack of midstream capacity (e.g., equipment failures or downtime), which can lead to flaring at midstream processing plants and cascade upstream, leading to flaring at production facilities. In 2021, 39% of total flared gas in the U.S. was reported to be due to midstream bottlenecks.4

Lack of alignment between the timing of new production volumes and midstream capacity is also a significant factor driving flaring.5

Stakeholder scrutiny on emissions throughout the value chain in line with net zero commitments is increasing, as supply chain venting and flaring can drive reputational, regulatory and transition risks for midstream operators.

Offering more, and more reliable, pipeline capacity to reduce upstream flaring can boost midstream revenue.

Flaring by two Targa Resources Corporation’s (“Targa”) plants during the February 2021 Texas freeze made them the state’s top emitters. The company facilities spewed nearly a fifth of the state’s total reported pollution during the incident.6

In its 2021 Sustainability report, Targa briefly mentions a focus on reducing flaring from its operations and helping its exploration and production partners and downstream customers meet their flaring and greenhouse gas intensity targets. That includes increased communication, and reliability and maintenance programs. However, Targa did not set any flaring reduction target, nor did the company provide meaningful details on how it would help its partners reach their targets."
Supporting statement
"Supporting Statement:
• At management’s discretion, we recommend consideration of the feasibility of the following in the report:
• Procedures to provide as much advance notice as practicable to upstream operators about potential outages or planned maintenance activities to allow operators to appropriately permit emissions, to shut-in production or reroute associated gas to avoid flaring at processing plants or production facilities;
• Coordination efforts with upstream operators on projected timing and volumes from new wells to secure takeaway capacity for when production begins;
• Procedures to increase operational reliability at Targa’s facilities and ensure Targa-operated flares are properly operating;
• Setting short- or medium-term flaring reduction targets covering its own and upstream flaring, and committing to continuously reducing these figures over time.”"

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