Portfolios on the Ballot 2025

8 members

Portfolios on the Ballot, by The Shareholder Commons, flags shareholder initiatives designed to protect the social and environmental systems that support all the companies in a diversified portfolio. Investors are invited to submit proxy actions for consideration.

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During the 2025 proxy season, The Shareholder Commons' new proxy voting guide, Portfolios on the Ballot, flags shareholder initiatives that feature a macroeconomic argument. This broad, market-wide perspective distinguishes these proxy actions from strategies that focus solely on the enterprise value of the stewarded company.

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For diversified investors, the intrinsic value of the economy is by far the greatest determinant of overall financial returns. These investors need proxy voting information that will help them optimize the returns of their entire portfolios, not just the returns of the individual companies where the votes take place

Despite the diversified nature of most investors, the proxy voting advice offered by most market participants assumes that voting recommendations should be designed to optimize the returns at the individual company at which shares are being voted, without separately accounting for systemic or portfolio impact. However, voting choices designed only to maximize returns at individual companies may not adequately address systemic risks that companies create, so advice focused on optimizing individual company returns does not optimize the return of the diversified portfolios of most institutional asset owners. 

Portfolios on the Ballot will include dozens of shareholder actions across the spectrum of topics and issue areas from living wage and public health to disinformation and corporate governance. 

Investors are encouraged to use Portfolios on the Ballot in their voting decisions on the 2025 proxies, attend our webinars, and reach out with questions.

Have a proxy action that you'd like featured? Email us to discuss.


Portfolios on the Ballot allows diversified investors to identify initiatives where systemic issues should be accounted for in voting decisions made by or on behalf of diversified investors. This will:

  1. Help proponents of those initiatives garner more support 
  2. Make it easier for shareholders to engage in systemic stewardship through the exercise of their voting rights. 
Created on
ESG theme
  • Environment
  • Social
  • Governance
Sustainable Development Goal
  • 1 - No poverty
  • 2 - Zero hunger
  • 5 - Gender equality
  • 7 - Affordable & clean energy
  • 8 - Decent work & economic growth
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities
  • 13 - Climate action
  • Global
Asset class
Listed Equities