Royal Bank of Canada | Racial Equity Audit at Royal Bank of Canada

AGM date
Previous AGM date
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)
  • Local communities and/or indigenous rights
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
Resolved: Shareholders request the bank conduct and publish (at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information) a third-party racial equity audit analyzing RBC’s adverse impacts on communities of colour and Indigenous people. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered.
Supporting statement
Supporting Statement: Financial institutions play a key role in society, allowing businesses and individuals to access essential economic opportunities through a range of financial products and services, including credit and loan services, savings accounts, and investment management. Financial institutions have the responsibility to ensure that their business operations do not have adverse impacts on communities of colour and Indigenous people.

In recent years, RBC has been subject to negative media coverage regarding discrimination against customers and employees. In January 2023, the US Justice Department announced a US$31 million settlement with RBC subsidiary City National Bank over allegations of lending discrimination in Los Angeles.(4) The Department alleged that RBC’s subsidiary perpetuated “redlining,” a racist practice that is prohibited under the Fair Housing and Equal Credit Opportunity Acts, by systematically avoiding marketing and underwriting mortgages in predominately Black and Latino neighbourhoods.(5)

Additional recent race-based allegations against RBC include the use of high-pressure sales tactics (6), racial profiling (7), and other reports of alleged misconduct.(8)
RBC has committed to enabling economic inclusion through its Action Plan Against Systemic Racism. Although well intentioned, such initiatives do not constitute an alternative to racial equity audits. A racial equity audit is an independent examination of business practices intended to identify and remediate potential and actual discriminatory outcomes on people of colour and Indigenous people. Such an assessment would help shareholders, employees, and customers understand whether RBC’s initiatives are aligned with its stated racial equity commitments while ensuring that the bank’s business activities falling outside the Action Plan do not discriminate against people of colour and Indigenous people.
Racial equity audits have proven to be effective risk mitigation tools as they help manage material legal, financial, regulatory, and reputational business risks by identifying, prioritizing, remedying, and avoiding adverse impacts on communities of colour and Indigenous people beyond the workplace.

At RBC’s 2023 annual meeting, 42% of votes were cast in favour of a third-party racial equity audit. However, in contrast with a number of its US and Canadian peers, RBC has not confirmed its intention to conduct this assessment.

We urge RBC to assess its business activities through a racial equity lens in order to obtain a complete picture of how it contributes to and could help dismantle systemic racism.

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