Nestle S.A. | Amendment to the Articles of Association regarding sales of healthier and less healthy foods

11.19% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Public health
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Consumer Staples
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
Proposal by shareholders acting through ShareAction:
In particular, and with regard to this item on the agenda, the shareholders propose to amend the company’s Articles of Association by adding an Article 23bis following the Article 23 and reading as follows:
Article 23bis: Report on non-financial matters [new]
For each financial year, the Board of Directors shall prepare a report on sustainable development, social issues, employment matters, respect for human rights and anti-corruption, which presents the results achieved in relation to certain environmental, social and governance (ESG) key performance indicators (KPIs).
These KPIs will include absolute and proportional sales figures for food and beverage according to their healthfulness, as defined by a government-endorsed Nutrient Profiling Model. The company will set a timebound target to increase the proportion of its sales derived from these healthier products.
Supporting statement
Nestlé consistently states that health and good nutrition are at the core of its strategic aims, “applying its expertise in nutrition, health and wellness to help people live happier, healthier lives”.
However, Nestlé relies heavily on the sales of less healthy foods, which have a major impact on public health. More than 50% of Nestlé’s sales do not meet the Health Star Rating (HSR) healthier threshold of 3.5 or above, exposing itself to financial, regulatory, legal and reputational risks.
Increasing public health policies, such as sugar taxes and marketing restrictions, threaten sales. Regulatory compliance creates legal risks. Reputational risks arise from increasing societal scrutiny. Meanwhile, consumer demand for healthier alternatives is increasing.
Shareholders have been calling for the company to reduce its reliance on sales of less healthy products. However, whereas Nestlé has announced a target to increase sales from ‘nutritious’ products by 50% by 2030, this growth is simply in line with its overall growth guidance (4-6%/yr), so that sales of less healthy products would also increase by 50%.
Moreover, some products have been included in the “nutritious” category, while HSR does not apply to them. This is for example the case for infant food and milk formula for children aged over 12 months, despite these products often not being recommended by health professionals. It is also the case for coffee, contrary to HSR guidelines. This enables the company to meet its healthier food sales target solely by increasing the sales of these products and prevents shareholders from correctly assessing the applicable risks.
Investors want to see a strategic shift to reduce over-reliance on the sale of less healthy foods, mitigating the risks these expose the company to, and capitalising on growing demand for healthier products. This resolution supports that aim, requiring the company to set targets to increase sales of healthier products in both absolute and relative terms, while correctly applying government-endorsed methodology.

How other organisations have declared their voting intentions

Organisation nameDeclared voting intentionsRationale
CCLAForThe company falls short of our expectations to use internationally accepted standards when assessing the health implications of its products and setting targets for increasing sales of healthier food.
CardanoForDespite its claim to prioritise nutrition, health, and wellness, we believe Nestlé is falling short in this area.
Legal & General Investment Management (Holdings)ForA detailed explanation for the filing of the resolution and our vote intention for the shareholder resolution and other resolutions can be found on the LGIM Blog: and
Mercy Investment Services, Inc.For
LBPAM La Banque Postale Asset ManagementForNestlé relies heavily on the sales of less healthy foods, which have a major impact on public health. More than 50% of Nestlé’s sales do not meet the Health Star Rating (HSR) healthier threshold of 3.5 or above, exposing itself to financial, regulatory, legal and reputational risks.
Rothschild & co Asset ManagementFor
Impax Asset ManagementForWe are supportive of Nestle reducing its reliance on the sales of less healthy products and for the company to set a proportional target to grow sales from its more nutritious products.

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