II-HRD - The Investor Initiative on Human Rights Data
The II-HRD is a collaborative initiative where institutional investors work together to advance the corporate human rights data environment. This will enable investors to systematically incorporate human rights data into their investment and stewardship decision making.
The II-HRD is steered by the Church Commissioners for England, Aviva Investors and Scottish Widows. It builds on a collaborative engagement in 2023 with leading ESG data providers and is now looking to bring in more investors wishing to be Members or Endorsers in support of the Objectives. Investors are invited to review the Terms of Reference and - if relevant - send through the completed Sign-On sheet by the end of April 2024.
In 2024 and 2025, the II-HRD has three high-level objectives:
- Improve the depth and breadth of corporate human rights data available to investors via data providers, with a focus on the universal coverage of listed companies’ efforts to implement human rights due diligence and their policy level commitments to respect human rights.
- Improve the depth and breadth of corporate human rights data available to investors, via proxy advisor voting policies and advice.
- Generate industry wide alignment on the principles of assessing the presence of and response to corporate ‘norms breaches’.
- II-HRD Sign on Sheet 10Feb2024.docx Download
- Social
- Human rights
- 10 - Reduced inequalities
- Global