Chubu Electric Power Company, Incorporated | Partial amendment to the Articles of Incorporation (Director competencies for the effective management of climate-related business risks and opportunities)

AGM passed
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Climate change
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Supporting materials
  • 2024-04-Chubu-Investor-Briefing_English.pdf Download
  • 2024-04-Chubu-shareholder-proposal-JP-and-EN.pdf Download
Resolved clause
The following clause shall be added to the Articles of Incorporation:

Chapter IV. “Directors and the Board of Directors”

Article . “Director Nomination (Director competencies for the effective management of climate-related business risks and opportunities)”

To promote the long-term success of the Company, given the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, the Company shall establish and disclose policies and processes for nominating directors and evaluating the board’s effectiveness that ensure the management of climate-related business risks and opportunities is embedded in the Company’s core management strategy, noting the appropriate balance and diversity of knowledge, experience and skills of the board as a whole.
Supporting statement
This proposal requests that the Company disclose necessary information in order for shareholders to ensure the Company’s board has the competence required to properly oversee climate-related business risks and opportunities.

The Chubu Electric Group is exposed to significant transition risks, given its involvement in fossil fuel-related businesses is set to expand under current plans. However, shareholders are currently unable to assess if the board of directors is capable of fulfilling its duty to mitigate the aforesaid risks, which makes shareholders themselves vulnerable to these risks. To adequately oversee climate-related risks and opportunities, the board of directors requires expertise in areas including climate science and low-carbon transition across the value-chain.

This proposal is aligned with what is expected by the Japanese Corporate Governance Code, and by investors through investor initiatives (e.g. CA100+) and the International Sustainability Standard Board (ISSB).

Approval of this proposal will place the Company in a better position to manage transition risks and opportunities, and to maintain long-term corporate value as the Company navigates the shift toward a decarbonized economy.

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