BLACKROCK, INC. | Report on EEO policy risk at BLACKROCK, INC.

0.71% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
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Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: Shareholders request that BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”) issue a public report detailing the potential risks associated with omitting “viewpoint” and “ideology” from its written equal employment opportunity (EEO) policy. The report should be available within a reasonable timeframe, prepared at a reasonable expense and omit proprietary information.
Supporting statement
SUPPORTING STATEMENT: BlackRock does not explicitly prohibit discrimination based on viewpoint or ideology in its written EEO policy. BlackRock’s lack of a company-wide best practice EEO policy sends mixed signals to company employees and prospective employees and calls into question the extent to which individuals are protected due to inconsistent state policies and the absence of a relevant federal protection. Approximately half of Americans live and work in a jurisdiction with no legal protections if their employer takes action against them for their political activities or discriminates on the basis of viewpoint in the workplace. Companies with inclusive policies are better able to recruit the most talented employees from a broad labor pool, resolve complaints internally to avoid costly litigation or reputational damage, and minimize employee turnover. Moreover, inclusive policies contribute to more efficient human capital management by eliminating the need to maintain different policies in different locations.

There is ample evidence that individuals with conservative viewpoints may face discrimination at BlackRock.

CEO Larry Fink and BlackRock’s executive suite make no secret not only of their own leftwing commitments, but of their intent to use their power to make other American corporations bow to their personal policy preferences. In his 2021 Letter to CEOs,1 Fink took stark political sides, characterizing behavior by the left as “historic protests,” but the same behavior from the right as “political alienation — fueled by lies and political opportunism — erupt[ing] into violence.” More recently he has called for American taxpayers to fund the developing world’s (including presumably China’s) elimination of carbon production on partisan-politically driven timelines at a time of world energy crisis and skyrocketing energy prices.

If Fink is willing to enforce his politics on all of corporate America, he is surely willing to do it to his own employees. They deserve to be protected against Fink’s bullying, just as shareholders and investors deserve a company at which all viewpoints are respected, as this will keep BlackRock from making potentially costly mistakes because of an unwonted narrowness of perspective.

Presently, shareholders are unable to evaluate how BlackRock prevents discrimination towards employees based on their ideology or viewpoint, mitigates employee concerns of potential discrimination, and ensures a respectful and supportive work atmosphere that bolsters employee performance.

Without an inclusive EEO policy, BlackRock may be sacrificing competitive advantages relative to peers while simultaneously increasing company and shareholder exposure to reputational and financial risks.

We recommend that the report evaluate risks including, but not limited to, negative effects on employee hiring and retention, as well as litigation risks from conflicting state and company antidiscrimination policies.

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