Rain Industries Ltd. | Approve Charitable Donations

85.20% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Lobbying / political engagement
Type of vote
Accounts/reports, auditor appointment or ratification
Filer type
Company HQ country
Supporting materials
  • RainIndustriesLtd._500339_1827649_Sustainability_Research.pdf Download
Resolved clause
The board seeks shareholder approval for charitable contributions of not exceeding INR 100 million in any financial year. The company did not provide further information regarding the proposal.

Charitable donations could increase the company's goodwill in the market and further their corporate social responsibility ideals. Public companies are increasingly being asked to be responsible members of the society in which they operate, and returning a portion of the earnings to communities and those in need could be an appropriate way to facilitate the company's sustainability efforts and community engagement. Furthermore, these activities could help improve the company's brand image as well as to gain the community's trust, which in turn may improve financial performance in the long term. Moreover, these activities and charitable giving could improve the company's sustainability ranking and scores as measured by various institutions, potentially providing greater access to funds.

There are, however, concerns about the potential for abuse and lack of accountability. Many corporations give funds to individuals or entities associated with their directors or major shareholders in the name of charitable giving. While these funds may be used for charitable purposes, there is a risk of expropriating shareholders' wealth for the benefit of an affiliate. Additionally, many companies do not disclose the use of the donated funds or the impact the donations have made, and as such the effectiveness of the use of the company's capital is often difficult to ascertain. Hence, there should a reasonable mechanism for monitoring and transparency.

In this case, further details on the proposed donation (i.e. how the funds would be used, potential benefits to the company and its shareholders, and exact term of the authority) were not provided.

In view of the abovementioned concern, a vote AGAINST this proposal is warranted without further disclosure.

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