Google Inc. (Alphabet Inc.) | Report on electromagnetic radiation and wireless technologies risks at Googe Inc. (Alphabet Inc.)

0.82% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Public health
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: Google shall issue an annual report, at a reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, on the health effects and financial risks associated with electromagnetic radiation and wireless technologies, and compare its safety performance to the other wireless device developers, operators and manufacturers.
Supporting statement
SUPPORTING STATEMENT: Google’s business revolves around wireless movement of information. In the United States, the Federal Communications regulates the activities of telecommunications companies, and it established guidelines for allowable levels of human exposure to wireless radiation in 1996 despite vast changes in technology, expansion of networks, and usage of wireless devices, these limits remain unchanged. Over the past 27 years, hundreds of published, peer-reviewed scientific studies have linked low-level, non-ionizing radiation exposure at legally allowed levels to serious health impacts,1,2 including cancer3, memory damage4, brain development5, the endocrine system6, thyroid function7, reproduction8, epigenetic alterations9, and DNA/genetic damage.10,11

Prominent scientists declare the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classification of radiofrequency radiation should be at least a probable, if not a proven human carcinogen.12,13,14,15,16,17 Insurers, including underwriters at Lloyd’s of London, have expressly excluded from coverage indemnity for risks arising from exposure to wireless radiation. Mobile carriers are unable to obtain commercial insurance to cover liability risks arising from wireless radiation exposure. Insurers rank 5G and electromagnetic radiation as a “high” risk,18 comparing the hazard to lead and asbestos19.

Children are uniquely sensitive and absorb more wireless radiation deeper into their brains.20,21 Almost all U.S. teens have access to smartphones; 45% say they are “almost constantly” online. Over 20 countries recommend reducing childhood cell phone radiation exposure.22

Many countries label cell phones for radiation at point of sale.23 The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the International Doctors for the Environment recommend reducing childhood wireless exposure. In France cell phone radiation consumer information states “Keep radio equipment away from the belly of pregnant women, and away from the lower abdomen of adolescents.”

Google instructs users to distance products24,25 from the body to avoid violating wireless limits.26

In the US, the American Academy of Pediatrics, California Department of Health, the California Department of Health, Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, New Jersey Education Association, New Hampshire State 5G Commission and Santa Clara Medical Association have released advisories to reduce wireless radiation. Apple recently had to stop selling its iPhone 12 in France due to above-threshold radiation levels. In 2017 an Italian Court ruled27 a telecom employee be paid lifetime damages for a brain tumor developed after heavy cell phone use.

Simple engineering fixes exist to make cell phones safer.28 This industry holds numerous patents on safer software and hardware including antenna design, case content, and operating system modifications. Phones can work to connect to signals and towers at 1 billionth of the ICNIRP standard.

Filed by Lendri Purcell.

How other organisations have declared their voting intentions

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Whitley Asset ManagementAgainst
THEMATICS Asset ManagementAgainst
Rothschild & co Asset ManagementAgainst
Kutxabank Gestion SGIIC SAU.Against

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