1.94% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Net Zero / Paris aligned
Filer type
Company sector
Consumer Staples
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: Shareholders request Costco's Board of Directors provide an audited report evaluating the material factors relevant to decisions about whether a 2050 net-zero carbon goal, or other similar decarbonization targets,1 is appropriate, including factors that mitigate against the feasibility of such goals. These factors might reasonably include technological feasibility (or its absence), the economic consequences of adoption, the possibility that the climate models that underlie such goals are incorrect, the possibility that failure to adopt such goals in other countries will render adoption by Costco meaningless, the possibility that U.S. governments will not mandate such decarbonization — thereby upending adoption-favoring "stranded asset" assumptions, and relevant considerations. The report should be made public, produced at reasonable cost, and omit proprietary information.
Supporting statement
SUPPORTING STATEMEMT: In 2022, activist investors driven by a radical climate catastrophist agenda forced Costco to adopt unrealistic greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals, culminating in net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.2 In imposing these targets upon the Company, however, it does not appear that these activist shareholders have fully considered the risks that decarbonization on politically driven schedules might entail.
Claims about the need for decarbonization at all, but especially by some activist-generated date certain, are based on a long series of assumptions that are either counterfactual or insufficiently examined. For decades, for instance, claims have been made that action must be taken before some date, or it will be too late.3 If those claims were right, it's too late for decarbonization to matter now, so we should be building up economic resources to deal with climate change. If they were wrong, then the odds are high that current claims are also wrong.
Costco's decarbonization will be meaningless if other countries do not follow the same decarbonization schedules, and there is abundant evidence that they will not.4 The United States government has never mandated net-zero by statute or authorized regulatory action,5 and is unlikely ever to do so; this contravenes the assumptions of "stranded asset" analysis. If decarbonization is neither required nor technologically feasible, forcing the Company to arbitrarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions — including emissions outside of its control — will undoubtedly increase operating costs and harm shareholder investments. All relevant considerations should therefore be fully and objectively examined and reported on publicly.
Recent forensic research has demonstrated that "[r]eplacing an energy system overwhelmingly based on hydrocarbons with one centered predominantly on wind and solar would make the world unambiguously poorer and have a negative impact on the lives of billions of people in the world's poorest nations."6 Making the world's poor poorer to advance the policy preferences of some misinformed wealthy climate activists is the height of social injustice as well as being a terrible business strategy. Costco must examine its premises honestly and fully.

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