Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | Board of Directors commit to filing an ESG report with reasonable certification at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

AGM date
Previous AGM date
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Other
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: It is proposed that the Board of Directors commit to filing, within the next three years, an ESG report with reasonable certification, rather than with a limited certification or no certification at all.
Supporting statement
SUPPORTING STATEMENT: Like many investors, we read the ESG reports published by our Canadian banks hoping to find accurate, reliable and complete information. Although a number of them do use auditing firms to provide limited assurance of the quality of the information presented, we believe it would be appropriate for the Bank to revise the level of certification of its report in order to avoid the increasingly vocal criticism of “greenwashing”. According to a recent report by PWC1 , “[i]n Canada, only 8% of companies in our analysis subject their sustainability reporting to the same level of reasonable assurance as their financial statements”. According to the experts who wrote the report, “[l]imited assurance is a good first step. But it’s only an interim measure in the eyes of regulators and investors. Our Global Investor Survey 2022 explored the factors that increase confidence in assessing the accuracy of an organization’s sustainability reporting. Nearly three-quarters […] of investors in Canadian companies say reasonable assurance helps. By contrast, only 46% feel the same way about limited assurance — underscoring the importance of preparing for reasonable assurance and producing investor-grade ESG reporting”. We believe that reasonable certification every three years could help reassure all stakeholders about the quality of the information disclosed. “A practitioner can provide two types of assurance engagements: a reasonable assurance engagement or a limited assurance engagement. The nature, timing and extent of procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement is limited compared with that necessary in a reasonable assurance engagement, but is still planned to obtain a level of assurance that is, in the practitioner’s professional judgment, meaningful.”2

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