INTEL CORPORATION | Corporate financial sustainability boardcommittee at INTEL CORPORATION

1.23% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Amend board structure
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Lobbying / political engagement
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors create a board committee on corporate financial sustainability to oversee and review the impact of the Company’s policy positions, advocacy, partnerships and charitable giving on social and political matters, and the effect of those actions on the Company’s financial sustainability. The Company should issue a public report on the committee’s findings by the end of 2024.
Whereas clause
WHEREAS: The Company’s policy positions, advocacy, partnerships and charitable giving on significant social policy and political matters should not alienate consumers, decrease sales, or diminish shareholder value.
The Company is apparently a Gold Partner1 of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and has a 100 percent rating on HRC’s “Corporate Equality Index.”2 Earning that score arguably requires spending shareholder assets to embrace highly partisan positions on hot-button issues, such as supporting legislation that eliminates religious liberties and discriminates against girls and women while opposing legislation to protect children from adult materials. In his 2021 book The Dictatorship of Woke Capital, Stephen Soukup describes HRC as “influencing businesses by employing a ‘soothsayer’s trick’” that boils down to increasing the radicalization of businesses by way of a strategy to “simply keep moving the goalposts.”3
The Company has been rated a “medium risk” by the 1792 Exchange on its “Spotlight Bias Report,”4 which is published to “shed light on corporate activism”5 and lists the following as potential concerns for Intel: (1) Intel “does not provide its employees with protections against viewpoint discrimination,”6 and (2) “Intel vets vendors according to LGBTQ policies,”7 which may result in discriminating against religious vendors.
The Company has taken public and politically divisive positions over issues of significant social policy concern, including apparently supporting the ill-named Equality Act8 even though “scholars and legal experts [argue] that the law would eviscerate female sports and cancel federal religious freedom protections.”9
The Company has apparently contributed $7,800,000.00 to the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement and related causes since 2020,10 despite the fact that these causes have been accused of squandering assets11 and supporting racism and antisemitism and highly divisive and dangerous programs such as police-defunding and “anti-racist” racial discrimination
Supporting statement
SUPPORTING STATEMENT: Recent events have made clear that company bottom-lines, and therefore value to shareholders, drop when companies take overtly political and divisive positions that alienate consumers. Following Bud Light’s embrace of partisanship and disparagement of its customer base, its revenue fell $395 million in North America when compared to the same time a year ago.13 This amounts to roughly 10 percent of its revenue in the months following its leap into contentious politics.14 Target Corporation’s market cap fell over $15 billion amid backlash for similar actions.15 And Disney stock fell 44 percent in 2022 – its worst performance in nearly 50 years – amid its decision to put extreme partisan agendas ahead of parents’ rights

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