Meritage Homes | Elect each director annually at Meritage Homes

58.02% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Shareholder rights
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
RESOLVED: shareholders ask that our Company take all the steps necessary to reorganize the Board of Directors into one class with each director subject to election each year for a one-year term
Supporting statement
SUPPORTING STATEMENT: Although our management can adopt this proposal topic in one-year and one-year implementation is a best practice, this proposal allows the option to phase it in.
Classified Boards like the Meritage Homes Board have been found to be one of 6 entrenching mechanisms that are negatively related to company performance according to "What Matters in Corporate Governance" by Lucien Bebchuk, Alma Cohen and Allen Ferrell of the Harvard Law School.
Arthur Levitt, former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission said, "In my view it's best for the investor if the entire board is elected once a year. Without annual election of each director shareholders have far less control over who represents them."
A total of 79 S&P 500 and Fortune 500 companies, worth more than $1 trillion, have adopted this important proposal topic since 2012. Annual election of each director could make directors more accountable, and thereby contribute to improved performance and increased company value at virtually no extra cost to shareholders. Thus it was not a surprise that this proposal topic won more than 96%-support each at Centene Corporation and Teleflex in 2021.
Annual election of each director gives shareholders more leverage if the Board of Directors performs poorly. For instance if the Board of Directors approves executive pay that is excessive or is poorly incentivized shareholders can soon vote against the Chair of the Board's executive pay committee instead of waiting 2-years under the current setup.
Annual election of each director would give shareholders a more expedient opportunity to see whether a poor performing director improves his performance. For instance Mr. Gerald Haddock was rejected by 7 million shareholder votes in 2023. This compares poorly to 3 other Meritage directors who each received less than 1.2 million against votes. Currently after receiving 7 million against votes, Mr. Haddock need not face another shareholder vote for 2-years.

Filed by John Chevedden

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