Evergy Inc | Report on community impacts from business at Evergy Inc

Previous AGM date
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Local communities and/or indigenous rights
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company HQ country
United Kingdom
Resolved clause
Shareholders request that the Board, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, retain a third-party to issue a public report releasing the demographics of high-energy burdened populations and detailing the cumulative impacts of energy burden, disconnections, asthma, air quality, and historic redlining in the Company’s service area. Additionally, the Company should address in the report how it intends to reduce such negative community impacts through operational improvements and expansion of programs like energy efficiency, weatherization, and Evergy’s Low Income Leadership Assistance Collaborative (KC-LILAC).
Whereas clause
Kansas City, MO residents experience an unusually high energy burden compared to the rest of the United States, spending nearly 6% of their income on energy while the national average is 3%-4%.1 Energy burden affects different populations differently. According to analysis based on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) tool and 2022 2 Census data , Black households in Kansas City have an average energy burden of 4.6%, 3 compared to a 2.3% average energy burden for white households. According to the same methodology from the DOE, Hispanic households in Wichita experience an energy burden of 5.3%, compared to 3% for their white counterparts. High energy burden can result in customers diverting income away from necessities like food, health, and even rent; higher energy burden is an indicator associated with poorer health, nutrition, and even community economic development. In addition to energy burden, communities of color and low-income 4 households in the U.S., and in Kansas City, face a much higher burden from pollution compared to other neighbors.5 Evergy fails to adequately address its disproportionate energy burden or negative public health impacts on communities of color and low-income households caused by its continued coal use. Alleviating energy burden through targeted energy efficiency programs would prevent 6 disconnections in low-income and communities of color . Disconnections are both costly to the 7 Company and negatively affects the Company’s reputation and credibility as a reliable business and service provider.

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