ESMA consultation on digital accessibility of company disclosures

1 member

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is running a consultation on The Regulatory Technical Standards for companies’ digital disclosures and the EU’s data portal (EEAP/ESAP). Simply put; how and when company disclosures will be made digitally accessible in the EU, impacting sustainable impact reporting, financial data, and more.

Collaboration details

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is currently running a consultation on The Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) for companies’ digital disclosures (ESEF) and the EU’s data portal (EEAP/ESAP). Simply put; how and when company disclosures will be made digitally accessible in the EU.

We would like to ask for the support of the network to submit feedback to the consultation using the information and the templates we provide by the deadline on the 31st of March. Responders do not have to be EU-based, any prospective ‘user’, ‘producer’ or ‘auditor’ of the data can submit a response to the public consultation, however, it should just be one submission per organization.

Companies and auditors are responding to the consultation in large numbers (for good reason: companies will have to prepare the digital reports and auditors will be doing the assurance). The perspective of data users is represented in lesser numbers and so there is a risk that the accessibility and usefulness of the data will be less of a priority (which is already apparent from the weight that is given to the “burden for companies” narrative). By joining forces and pushing on these points together, we can counter that.

You can find all the relevant information on our webpage dedicated to this consultation, along with the answers template. We are also running a campaign on LinkedIn for the next two weeks until the deadline to encourage key stakeholders to submit their feedback.

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ESG theme
  • Environment
  • Social
  • Governance
Sustainable Development Goal
  • 8 - Decent work & economic growth
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities
  • 13 - Climate action
  • Global
Asset class