MCDONALD'S CORPORATION | Report on Antibiotics and Public Health Costs at MCDONALD'S CORPORATION

11.94% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Lead filer
Resolution ask
Conduct due diligence, audit or risk/impact assessment
ESG theme
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Public health
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Consumer Discretionary
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
RESOLVED, shareholders ask that the board commission and disclose a study on the external environment and public health costs created by the use of antibiotics in the supply chain of our company (the "Company") and the manner in which such costs affect the vast majority of its shareholders who rely on a healthy stock market.
Supporting statement
The Company signed the Business Roundtable Statement of the Purpose of a Corporation, which reads, "we share a fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders.... We commit to deliver value to all of them, for the future success of our companies, our communities and our country."

However, the Company is a conventional Delaware corporation, so that directors' duties emphasize the Company and its shareholders, but no one else (except to the extent they create value for shareholders). Accordingly, when the financial return of the Company to its shareholders and the interests stakeholders such as workers or customers clash, the directors must choose shareholder return. (The Company could become a public benefit corporation1 to prevent this).

For our Company, this may lead to overuse of antibiotics in raising livestock to increase profit, despite increasing the ability of diseases to resist antibiotics ("AMR"). In addition to the resulting loss of life and increased poverty, AMR may decrease global GDP 3% by 2030, and almost 4% by 2050.2 At an intermediate discount rate, this will amount to economic losses by 2050 with a current value of USD54 trillion.3

The Company does not report such external costs and consequent economic harm to its supply chain. This information is essential to shareholders, who are almost all broadly diversified. Indeed, as of June 2020, the top three holders of our shares are Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street-investment managers with indexed or otherwise broadly diversified investors.

Such shareholders and beneficial owners are materially harmed when companies impose external costs that lower GDP, which reduces equity market values.4 While the Company may profit by ignoring externalized costs, diversified shareholders ultimately pay these costs, and they have a right to ask what they are.

The Company's prior disclosures and prior shareholder proposals do not address this issue, because they do not address the public health costs the Company imposes on shareholders as diversified investors who must fund retirement, education, public goods and other critical social needs. This is a separate social issue of great importance. A study would help shareholders determine whether to seek a change in corporate direction, structure, or form in order to better serve their interests and to match its commitment to stakeholders.

How other organisations have declared their voting intentions

Organisation nameDeclared voting intentionsRationale
Kutxabank Gestion SGIIC SAU.For
Sustainable Value InvestorsFor
Dana Investment Advisors (Delisted)For
Anima SgrFor
Universities Superannuation Scheme - USSForUSS would support additional information on the Company's antibiotic policies and practices.

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Any voting recommendations set forth in the descriptions of the resolutions and management proposals included in this database are made by the sponsors of those resolutions and proposals, and do not represent the views of the PRI.

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