Exxon Mobil Corporation | Independent Chair at EXXONMOBIL CORPORATION

22.10% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Adopt or amend a policy
ESG theme
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • CEO / chair duality
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Company HQ country
United States
Resolved clause
The shareholders request the Board of Directors to adopt as policy, and amend the bylaws as necessary, to require the Chair of the Board of Directors, whenever possible, to be an independent member of the Board. This policy would be phased in for the next CEO transition.

If the Board determines that a Chair who was independent when selected is no longer independent, the Board shall select a new Chair who satisfies the requirements of the policy within a reasonable amount of time. Compliance with this policy is waived if no independent director is available and willing to serve as Chair.
Supporting statement
We believe:

The role of the CEO and management is to run the company.
The role of the Board of Directors is to provide independent oversight of management and the CEO.
There is a potential conflict of interest for a CEO to be her/his own overseer as Chair while managing the business.
Exxon Mobil's CEO Darren Woods serves both as CEO and Chair of the Company's Board of Directors. We believe the combination of these two roles in a single person weakens a corporation's governance structure.

Chairing and overseeing the Board is a time intensive responsibility. A separate independent Chair also frees the CEO to manage the company and build effective business strategies.

As Andrew Grove, Intel's former chair, stated, "The separation of the two jobs goes to the heart of the conception of a corporation. Is a company a sandbox for the CEO, or is the CEO an employee? If he's an employee, he needs a boss, and that boss is the Board. The Chairman runs the Board. How can the CEO be his own boss?"

In our view, shareholders are best served by a separate independent Board Chair who provides a balance of power between the CEO and the Board. The primary duty of a Board of Directors is to oversee the management of a company on behalf of shareholders. A combined CEO / Chair creates a potential conflict of interest, resulting in excessive management influence on the Board and weaker oversight of management.

Numerous institutional investors recommend separation of these two roles and the number of companies separating these roles is growing.

With the unprecedented climate change challenges facing global energy companies as they face important transitions to a low carbon economy, it is important to ensure our company's governance is the best it can be, and the board is empowered to provide strong direction and leadership. Exxon Mobil and the industry faces numerous and significant climate related challenges from decisions about developing new oil and gas fields for the market to revising its climate related lobbying.

This resolution to Exxon Mobil received a vote in support of approximately 41% in 2019 and 33% in 2020, a significant showing. To simplify the transition, this new policy would be phased in when a next CEO is chosen.

How other organisations have declared their voting intentions

Organisation nameDeclared voting intentionsRationale
CoreCommodity Management, LLCFor
Dana Investment Advisors (Delisted)For
LocalTapiola Asset Management LtdForAccording to international CG standards separating the roles of CEO and chairman is considered best practice
Boston Trust WaldenFor
Universities Superannuation Scheme - USSForUSS strongly supports the appointment of an independent Chairman.
S-Bank plc.For

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