The PRI Collaboration Platform

The Collaboration Platform is a unique forum that allows investors to exchange best practices, pool resources, and cooperate on ESG issues. It is also a hub for academics, NGOs and investors to connect and engage with research. Posts include invitations to sign joint letters to companies and join investor-company engagements, proposals for research, calls to foster dialogue with policy makers and requests for support on upcoming resolutions and votes.

Sign in to the Collaboration Platform

By logging in to the Collaboration Platform or Resolution Database you are agreeing to the Platform terms of use. The terms of use and a user guide can be found here.

The platform hosts the Resolution Database. This is a publicly accessible database of ESG-related resolutions and votes that can be used to find upcoming AGM votes and see past vote results. PRI signatories additionally have the ability to publicly pre-declare their voting intentions for each resolution and to export this information.

Visit the Resolution Database


Most recent collaborations

Votes Against Slavery 2025
Social -collaboration">
Investor statement or letter

Votes Against Slavery 2025

Collaborative engagement targeting 32 FTSE350 and 66 AIM-listed companies that are non-compliant with the S54 reporting requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act. Signatories are free to sign which ever letters they wish and do not have to be a…

Seeking support Deadline: