Investor letter to Nike regarding outstanding wage payment for workers in Cambodia and Thailand
A group of investors will send a joint investor letter to Nike to ask the company to pay outstanding wage payments for garment workers in factories in Cambodia and Thailand employed by the Ramatex Group. Workers were dismissed and/or did not receive legally owed partial wages during a factory shutdown.
The investor letter describes two cases of labour violations, where garment workers employed by Nike’s largest international supplier, the Ramatex Group and the Hong Seng Knitting Group (that has a joint venture with the Ramatex Group) were not paid legally owed wages and benefits in full in 2020, amounting to a collective $2.2 million owed to more than 4,500 garment workers in Cambodia and Thailand respectively.
The joint investor letter has been sent to Nike which has been aware of these two rights issues for the past three years, and Nike will be sent an update of signatories on a regular basis. The investor letter emphasises the need for remedy in the form of payment of unpaid wages and benefits. It was drafted by a coalition of investors after consultation with NGOs and unions. Investors are invited to sign the letter.
Investors are invited to sign the letter.
- Becoming signatory of the joint investor letter: ICCR is hosting a webpage with the joint investor letter, the names of all signatories, and some other information (signatory will be updated regularly throughout the next few weeks). To become a signatory, please send the following details to Chavi Keeney Nana (cnana@iccr.org) at ICCR:
- Your organisation’s name;
- Your logo;
- Your AuM (if possible – only an aggregate amount will be shown).
- The initial response deadline is September 15th, 2023. No worries if it takes longer, but it would be great to start off with a good number of signatories.
Access to remedy is the third pillar of the UN Guiding Principles and investors have a role in facilitating Access to Remedy by using their leverage.
Nike is asked to show leadership, apply the access to remedy principle under the UN Guiding Principles and ensure that workers are adequately compensated for their lost pay.
- Joint investor letter to Nike re Ramatex Violet Apparel Hong Seng Final.pdf Download
Engagement focus

- Social
- Human rights
- Remuneration or pay
- 8 - Decent work & economic growth
- 10 - Reduced inequalities
- Cambodia
- Thailand