Spring: a PRI stewardship initiative for nature
Spring is a PRI stewardship initiative for nature, addressing the systemic risks of biodiversity loss to protect the long-term interests of investors. Find out more about how to get involved as a participant or endorser on the Join Spring page.
About the initiative
Spring is a PRI stewardship initiative for nature, addressing the systemic risks of biodiversity loss to protect the long-term interests of investors. Through this, the initiative aims to contribute to the global goal of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. Spring seeks to enhance corporate practices, ultimately generating positive, real-world outcomes, while protecting and enhancing investment returns. The Spring investor expectation statement sets out the initiative’s aims and approach in more detail.
We are currently recruiting PRI signatories for the investor working group. Find out more about how to get involved on the Join Spring page.
For more information on this initiative, including how to become an endorser and the Spring Company Assessment Framework, please visit our website. For anything else, please contact spring@unpri.org.
Please note that the members list is as of January 2024. The complete list of endorsers can be found on Spring website.
Engagement focus

- Environment
- Biodiversity / nature
- 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
- Global