Taskforce for Social Factors - Consultation

3 members

The Taskforce for Social Factors has released a guide for consultation with the UK pensions industry, which includes more than 30 recommendations about how social factors can be better incorporated into investment decisions. The Taskforce is organising roundtables in December, express interest by emailing consultation@taskforceonsocialfactors.co.uk

Collaboration details


Following the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) consultation on consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes, the Taskforce on Social Factors was established in the UK in February 2023. The Taskforce aims to raise awareness and develop a common understanding of social risks and opportunities which can be addressed by pensions scheme trustees, industry and policymakers.  

Guide for consultation

The Taskforce for Social Factors has released a guide for consultation which includes more than 30 recommendations about how social factors can be better incorporated into investment decisions.

This is now the opportunity for UK pension funds to ‘have your say’ on the guidance. The Taskforce is seeking views on the current draft of the report and proposals on any useful additions to be taken into account in the final paper. We are looking forward to hearing from you by the 1st of December.

In addition to hearing from UK pension funds, the Taskforce invites views from the following:  

  • Asset managers 

  • Data providers and proxy voting agencies 

  • Investment Consultants 

  • Lawyers 

  • Civil society/non-governmental organisations 

  • Industry groups and trade bodies 

  • Public and private businesses 

  • Government departments and regulators 


It is the Taskforce’s aim to ensure that the final output is useful and actionable for the UK pension trustees and helps schemes make a step change in integrating social factor considerations into their work. 

Created on
ESG theme
  • Social
Sustainable Development Goal
  • 8 - Decent work & economic growth
  • United Kingdom
Asset class