The Asset Owner Council (AOC)
The AOC is group of asset owners, convened under their own initiative, and focussed on responsible investment.
The AOC is group of asset owners, convened under their own initiative, and focussed on responsible investment. The AOC maintains links with the UK Stewardship Regulators Group. Members of the UK Stewardship Regulators Group act as a sounding board for AOC initiatives. The AOC was formed in 2024 as a result of a merger between the Occupational Pensions Stewardship Council (convened by the Department for Work and Pensions, secretariat: Share Action), and the UK Pension Scheme Responsible Investment (RI) Roundtable (secretariat: PRI).
Current co-Chairs: Stephen Barrie, Deputy Chief Responsible Investment Officer at the Church of England Pensions Board and Gillian De Candole, Head of Responsible Investment at Lothian Pension Fund, as of January 2025. Current Secretariat: PRI UK RI Ecosystems team
The AOC’s purpose is to create a forum for:
- Sharing best practice on investor stewardship and responsible investment implementation
- Engaging with regulators/government in a coordinated way
- Encouraging high standards of stewardship and collaboration among asset owners (including offering practical support for smaller asset owners)
- Encouraging open and honest discussion among practitioners.
Membership is open to asset owners based in the United Kingdom (we generally consider an asset owner to be a pension scheme, endowment, family office or other institutional investor, at the discretion of the Chair).Asset owners based outside of the UK would be welcome and may be admitted as members at the discretion of the Chair.
By joining Members consent to their institution being publicly listed as a member of the AOC.
It is expected that member organisations are represented by a senior practitioner (e.g. a ‘Head of Responsible Investment’, ‘Stewardship Manager’ or equivalent), though there may be occasions or circumstances where more senior (executive or non-executive) representation is appropriate.
The Terms of Reference are included below.
If you wish to join please contact AOC Secretariat at to check eligibility before you register and join the group on this platform.
- Environment
- Social
- Governance
- 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
- United Kingdom