Read the FIR 2024 written questions to CAC 40 general meetings
Every year, the French Sif (FIR) conducts a written questions campaign during general meeting of the CAC 40. This public exercise enables responsible investors to play their part by informing these major companies of the ESG issues that are important to them. You will find a resume translated in English of the 2024 report.
- highlight the issues that are important to responsible investors for company management, shareholders and the general public;
- assess the degree of transparency and ambition of companies on specific points of their sustainable development strategy and compare the different levels of maturity
- obtain a satisfactory response rate, as companies are obliged to answer the written questions asked at their AGMs (according to french legislation)
- FIR-ReportCAC40Responsible-AGM2024_28janv2025.pdf Download
Engagement focus

- Environment
- Social
- Governance
- Biodiversity / nature
- Climate adaptation
- Climate change
- Decent work
- GHG targets / emissions
- Human rights
- Lobbying / political engagement
- Net Zero / Paris aligned
- Tax
- Waste and pollution
- 8 - Decent work & economic growth
- 12 - Responsible consumption & production
- 13 - Climate action
- France