Engagement 30% Club Brazil - Investors for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

5 members

The 30% Club Brazil is part of a global campaign to increase, on a voluntary basis, the participation of all women on boards and executive management teams of IBrX100 companies in Brazil.


Collaboration details

As asset owners and asset managers we are responsible for the stewardship of the investments we make on behalf of our members  and clients. Part of that responsibility includes the assessment of the boards of our investee companies.

We believe boards and executive management teams that genuinely embrace cognitive diversity, as manifested through appropriate gender representation and a broad spectrum of skills and experience, are more likely to achieve better outcomes for investors. There is increasing research to support this hypothesis.

Created on
ESG theme
  • Social
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)
Sustainable Development Goal
  • 5 - Gender equality
  • Brazil
Asset class